Whispering Heart

My blog. all about my life and times as a 22 year old.

Friday, September 7

Wsidom teech are a bitch

I am now missing two teeth...I am glad but i cannot wait for the freezing to fade...I have been waiting to have these bottom (and only) wisdom teeth removed for over two years now...and this orning it all finally happened...after an eternity of waiting in the deltal surgery office and discovering i had been mis-informed of the cost, I was lead to the back and hooked upto an IV...believe it or not the IV was the only part i was worried about... They put a 1.5L of fluid into me including a drug called DDAVP because I am a bleeder. after waiting for an hour in the room for the drugs to kick in i became glad my Fiance and one of our friends had stayed to keep me company. finally they wheeled me in that strait off the knockout gu injected the knock out drug into my IV..."how long?" I asked..."about ten seconds he told me...(it took 4 for my Fiance) I was very proud that i made it to 12-15 before i woke up again... I was not temporarily paralyzed like i had been warned i might be. infact i could move and walk right away...talking took a bit but i dont slur my words anymore. I am not aloud crunchy foods for a few weeks (yay pudding) and even though i was done surgery at 11:15am now 14.5 hours later i can barely feel my lower lip on the right side. hope that fades. I am on a shit load of drugs for now so i cannot drive fro three days...and i have a follow up appt tommorow at 9:15am (which i have to rescedule due to needing a ride and not affording the 20+ block cab ride...) anyways...i gotta get some sleep before the pain meds kick out...



Blogger Duckie said...

you should post the picture of you with your "bunny ears" for this post. Hee hee

7:45 p.m.  

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