Whispering Heart

My blog. all about my life and times as a 22 year old.

Saturday, October 21

Dancing in circles.

me and my love have started dancing at night. its nothing special as far as dances go. we are just going about our routine when music we like comes on. I reach for her and she glides into my arms. we just dance in circles, occasionally changing the lyrics of a song to fit us. Lips on an Angel is one of our favorites. Also one is "our" song, Princess Blue, by Starewell. we just sway back and forth looking into each others eyes... "So this is love... so this, is Love..." the melody from Cinderella normally makes us break out into giggles as one or the other tries to reach the high pitch of the soprano. This IS Love (Capital. 'L')...

On to another kind of dancing...

I run around the house with an eight year-old girl riding piggy-back. the girl is my loves cousin, over for the day.

We chase down everything from Dogs (amigo-Chihuahua...Daisy-Poodle/weinerdog) to Duckles (My Love) we go downstairs and upstairs, we jump on the bed and on My love who is attempting to have a nap (she should have known better :} )

I could get used to this.

I have to run now, we are taking the cousin for a walk to the park and back.



Blogger Unknown said...

Hanging out with Hallie was loads of fun wasnt it?! The best part was the LAVA MONSTER!! RAWR! hee hee. thank you for the beautiful post.

11:14 a.m.  

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