Whispering Heart

My blog. all about my life and times as a 22 year old.

Tuesday, June 28


So I am not suposed to be on right now...I'm "doing school" (thats sounds bad)


I'm not as screwed as I thought.

I did not get my english and math done before the end of school (I am homeschooled if you didn't know)

I found out that I can do the remaining units over the summer, and either request tests from the head office or just do them all in the fall.

"There's Klingons on the starboard bow
starboard bow
starboard bow
There's Klingons on the starboard bow
Scrape them off Jim!"

Ahhhh, "Star Trekkin, by Dr. Demento....

thats my life...

I hope to post more often now...

Wednesday, June 22

busy it feels.

So I have not posted in a bit...been realy busy...I think i am screwed as far as finishing school on time..I may end up doing upgrading in collage....

other then that not much to report...my brother and dad got bunnies, and to-day one got out and we spent all morning looking for it (and finally catching it)...

My grandparents (dad's side) came over for supper and we had hot-dogs...mmmmmmmmmmm

lots of fun.

Sunday, June 19

Life goes on.

I did not get the job. period.

The other two people trying for it are both intrested in going into
that line of work when they are older so it realy was no contest.

The boss there did offer to let me use him as a refrence at a computer
place in town but I think that the place only has work for 'qualified

I am not worried though.

I may go running cat or grader. or I may look for work at a local
IGA....who knows.

Friday, June 17

crossed wires


So i did not actually get the job. I am just one of three going for it (two more people submitted applications last second so there was a change in plans)

It is not looking so good because I a only doing chemistry next year so that may not qualify me s a 'full-time' student.

however. if i do not get this job there are many other options. I may go running a grader for the MD (if they need one and can train me) or i could go running cat for a local contracting company(same condition applys as to the grader) or i may go to the city and get a job there, though that entails moving out because it is 100kms or so to the city and that is a long drive.

please pray for me that the right door is opened.

Wednesday, June 15


I got a phone call (not to-day but i forgot to mention it on mon/tue when it came) and I go the Job i was hoping for.

I get to spend the summer as an assistant to a guy who works for a gas company (like natrual gas you run your stove on)

so happy.

I also cleaned out my car to-day getting it ready for work. I had all (ALL) my stuff in it from the old place because my new room is so small..

Tuesday, June 14

A name in the dark

Ok. I finally found a name for my problem.

Asperger Syndrome

It falls under the "autism umbrella" (as said by Luke Jackson in: Freaks, Geeks & Asperger syndrome")

I have suspected that it was what i have for a long time (my mom told me that me and my dad both showed symtoms) but reading the before mentioned book made it crystal clear. this kid (13 years) describes his life and problems/solutions and i just kept saying 'wow!, this is me!'

I finally know that there is a reason that i cannot always find the right words to express myself, I know now why i have an afinity to collecting almost anything, and why i have a hard time sleeping (i am wide more awake at midnight then at 10am)

I have shown signs since i was tiny, my mom tels me that when i was two or three i was a loner. if we visited frineds and there was a group of kids, they played together and i sat way off by my self (and quite happy)

I have always like being by myself.

I also get obsessive. I get on a topic and i learn everything about it. then i don't stop talkig about it (till some one yells at me). this is one more thing that is common to AS kids. I have prolems with instruction. to quote from the book i mentioned above:

If a teacher says 'now get out your books and turn to page 10' and doesn't say 'and now star answering thoes questions' then the AS kid is not likely to know.

people with AS do not think the same way as non-AS people.

I Will post more later (As my blog may have just taken on a new purpose)

Saturday, June 11

The one that got away.


ok, i'll back track. I was fishing. I was soaking wet and cold from the spray off of the water (I was on the dock not in a boat). I was realing in my line to cast again when a 18-20inch jackfish (northren pike) swam to the surface and grabbed my hook not more then three feet away from me. I gave a pull to seat the hook and the crazy bugger slipped away. !!!!!!!!

other then that my last two days have been great.

My youth group had its final event of the year. we camped out at the local bible camp that is beside a lake (over sized lagoon....it is gross really in the shallows)

we played games and had smores etc....i had a great time.

I found a nice car i want... a 1981 280ZX (chevy, like the z28 Camero but nicer) it is in emaculate condition and runs nice...the guy wants 3500 f0r it so i may not get it for a while if at all but still.... *drools*

that was my weekend... (other then sunday which has not happened yet...)

Thursday, June 9

Ok. better.

To-day i woke up ontime, got up!, and wnet to work outside on the yard. I get done that and come inside to eat and relax.

then my mom gets home and wonders why i am not doing school.

she really has my best at heart but it can get annoying when she gets on my case.

things got heated and she left in the van. I left and went out and walked for an hour (cross country to a nearby highway then back home)

I got a lot of thinking done on that walk. I realized several things.

One is that i can be very rudde without relizing it (even more so when i am pissed off.)

two is that I lie...alot...I have got to the point i can make up a lie on the spot without even realizing i am doing it.

I have desided to make an effort to be more honest (though it means getting in more trouble) and to be more polite.
I do not know how I will acomplish it but i welcome your prayers.

In other news!

youthgroup camp out is tomorrow. it is the last YG event of the year and we are hoping for a smooth event.

I am on the youth leadership team and this camp out has alot of potential to go either way. it is going to be a large group of kids ranging fromgrade 7 to 9/10 and co-ed so things could get nasty if we do not have enough adults.

also it is on the shore of a lake so we hop no one gets hurt or drowned.

Wednesday, June 8

First of a kind

Ok, This is my first real post since I got this blog.

Here goes.

Today was a wierd day.
First I woke up at eight thirty thinking it was saturday (the one day i can sleep in) it was in fact wednesday.

Then, after eating breakfast i run out of energy. This is strange for me. I normally have loads of energy (even in the morning)

I spend the next four hours lying on my bed trying to get enough energy to get back out. I finally realize that my lack of energy is coming from the fact that I am an excelent con-man.

I can con most people into believing almost anything about me.

I have gotton so good that i con myself many times (my dad is one of the only people who can catch me cause he is the same way)

SO. I realized that I was making myself believe that I was tired so that I would not have to do any schoolwork.

After realizing this I made myself get up and I managed to complete some of the work i needed to do...

I just hope that I remember this next time i start conning myself....

Tuesday, June 7


Finally! I finished editing the coding for all my images etc...

if you want to comment on the new look for my blog please email me (I think my addy is listed in my profile)

this is a rush!

Oh! btw I am setting up a bloglines acount even though i am not posting anything intresting for you to read.


Once more I am in the faze of testing my blog. As you can see I have completely replaced my old blog with my new one, as compatibility issues were playing havok with the old.