tears in my eyes
My mom is doing a segment on the radio. its about selling some land that has been in her family for damn near a hundred years.
She got to interview all us kids and her mom and dad and sisters and brothers...
It really brought out some tramatic stuff..
I never really knew much about my moms childhood. I knew that she got to ride horses, and go to camp and all thoes things kids do....but i never knew any of the real stuff.
I never knew about the abuse she sufered. bout her moms temper. i still dont know much
but she had a real shitty child hood.
it showed up a bit in mine. her temper. if she got really mad i got really scared. not that she would beat us or anything. she general stayed away from that. she was just scary.
i just got finished reading the rough draft of her radio spot. i kept it together till the last two paragraphs....then i started crying.
i still am
i wish i had known when i was younger. so i could have understood better.
i see that temper in myself now. i can flare up without warning at little things. i am working on it but it sneaks up on me.
this morning i was reading an artical online when my fiance called to me. she was standing about seven feet Away, she wanted attention. i know better, but i flared up like, "How dare she try to pull me away from this. cant she see im busy!" i got mad and snapped at her. all she wanted was a hug, a kiss. a smile.
She found this site the other day
i recomend getting out a pen and paper and writing down in your own words what it says here. think of times when these applied to you.
back to the land though....
mom, i love you, i love all you faults and all your inperfections. you were...are a good mother. i cant ask for more.
I hope you don't mind me reading, but this is such a beautiful gift. She will be so honored.
How did I get so lucky? You're amazing hun. <3
I had no idea reading the transcript affected you like this. It would be good to talk. I always assumed you knew about the abuse.
Thank you for writing this. For saying these things. For loving me in spite of myself. That's being like God when you do that.
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