Whispering Heart

My blog. all about my life and times as a 22 year old.

Monday, July 25

Working title (hah)

And so the wheel turns....

as I recently noted, i have quite going to church. well turns out that
is not such a bad thing. I just had a job offer which i took that
requires me to work on sunday (don't gove me that look, i like this
job so it is almost more like fun then work)

I am helping fill orders at a bulk pop retailer. loading 3480 cans of
pop onto a pallet can be...um...intresting...


so far all i have worked is 12 hour days (some 12.5 hour days)

so tired....so very tired....lol

Sunday, July 10

Updates and rants

I am back....

Church was stupid like usual...the pastor is so clueless....he will believe ANYTHING if someone claims to be a world renowned Dr. he takes their word....he today said that AIDS was a punishment for Gay people....how STUPID is that... his sermon was all about Gay marrage...If you don't know, Gay Marrage was legalized in canada (bill C-38). I do not agree with it, HOWEVER, I will not condem someone for being gay. it is their choice, not mine. the pastor also thinks that any MP who voted for bill C-38 comited career suicide and he condems them...

one thing is for certain. If i did not run the sound board at church once every three weeks I would NEVER go back... I cannot believe how judgemental it is...

And thats my rant for the day....

Ok, as for updates, I added a new picture of me (see right). as well I am going to add a section for my favorite movie(s) of the week...

Wednesday, July 6


I have to start posting more often! I have been so busy. I may start emailing in posts because that seems to take less time.

My brothers girlfriend is opver right now...they are watching Resident Evil 2...mainly so he can watch her scream at the "scary" parts...then again she screams at nearly anything so it is a wonder that any of us can still hear a thing....

I gotta run, but i will be back...I promise....

Saturday, July 2

Time warp?

it seems like time is flying past to quickly for me to follow...

people forget things within days....

on symtom of AS (Asperger Syndrome) is not being able to sleep at night. I am often wide awak at 2 or 3 am...

so I was up, i think it was 1:30am, I was watching TV quietly (the volume was at 13....we normaly watch with it no lower then 25)

my mom wakes up cause the furnace was making funny noises and snaps at me because i am still up....

granted she has been in a really funny headspace recently...my whole family has to thnk twice over everything we say because she will get grouchy over the least, little thing...


in other news, I have finally figured out how to use UnrealEd. it is the map editor/creator for the game Deus Ex. I am building a level with a huge castle complete with theater and all!

bloody good fun!